Class 11
Welcome to the Class 11 Page.
Hope you have had a nice weekend.
For this week’s school work please look at the details below.
Week Commencing 25th May
Spelling Rule:
Year 3- Common Exception Words | Year 4- Suffix -ous |
early | dangerous |
earth | famous |
circle | enormous |
complete | humorous |
consider | glamorous |
continue | courageous |
decide | curious |
describe | hideous |
different | courteous |
difficult | |
disappear |
Make sure that you know what each of the words mean. You might need to ask other members of your family or do some research online. Once you know what each of the words mean, practise writing these in sentences.
Please don’t forget that an important part of learning your spellings is to understand what each of these words mean as well as spelling them correctly. By learning to spell these words you are expanding your vocabulary and you can begin to use some of these words in your writing.
Challenge: Can you include any of these spellings in your writing activity for this week? The Year 4 spellings in particular might help you with your descriptions and will help you to add detail. Have a go!
Year 3:
Common exception words often have a ‘tricky’ part in. Make sure you find this part and think of a way to help you remember it. Don’t forget that you can use the website to practise your spellings by playing games. Just click the link below or copy it directly into your browser.—ci–to-ea-
Year 4:
Although there are fewer spellings this week, some of these words are tricky so make sure you are practising these words by writing them out (which also helps you practise your handwriting) and by writing these words into sentences. Think about what the ending ‘ous’ does to each of the words. What type of words are each of these?
Don’t forget that you can use the website to practise your spellings by playing games. Just click the link below or copy it directly into your browser.
At the end of the week, you might want to ask someone to help you to carry out a spelling test. You are welcome to do this and send me your score through to me on the class email.
Have a look at the image below. It is called ‘Just Visiting’. This week, you will be using this picture to complete the following activities.

Use the image to help you think about and answer the following questions:
- What can you see? What do you think has happened/is happening/will happen? What do you wonder?
- Where did the house come from?
- How do you think it got here? (Which direction did it come from? How fast was it travelling?) Why is it surrounded by all of the bricks? What happened to the lampposts?
- Who is the woman inside the house? Was she bothered by the ‘landing’? Give evidence to support your opinion.
- Why is she looking out of the window? What might she be thinking?
- Do you think she’ll stay here for long? Why/why not?
- Do you think anyone else is in the house with her?
- Why do you think she came to this place? Where is this?
Describe the image above using verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. For example: noun- lady, verb- waving, adjective- mysterious, adverb- quickly.
Once you thought of as many as these types of words as you can, use these to make interesting sentences. For example: The mysterious lady stood at the window waving as the house quickly landed on the damp ground.
Write a description about the image you have above using adjectives, expanded noun phrases and conjunctions to add detail. You might be able to use some of the sentences you created yesterday from looking at the image.
You need to imagine this is a picture in a story. How would the writer describe the place where the house has landed? You might want to continue from the following sentences: ‘The small red cottage suddenly crashed upon the inky-black brick floor in the center of a deserted city. Then, there was complete silence. All around, I could see…’
Remember, you are not writing a story today. You are just describing what you can see. Think about your 5 senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell) as this should help you to think about describing the picture. You are not continuing on with the story YET.
Once you have completed your setting description using the image above, your task today is to think about what might happen next in the story. Use the questions from Monday to get you thinking about where the house is and what might happen. Using your description, you can think about the place you have landed. What is going to happen next? Will people arrive? Is it night/daytime? Will you go on an adventure? What is in the building behind you?
Think about what type of genre your short narrative is going to be. Is it a horror story? An adventure story? A magical story?
Produce a short plan by bullet pointing some ideas about what will happen next. You do not have to write a whole story, it could just be a few paragraphs about what might happen next. Once you have a few ideas, make these into a short story including conjunctions, adjectives, adverbs and expanded noun phrases where you can.
If your house could travel, where would you like to go?
Think about somewhere you would like to go in the world. It might help to have a look at maps/travel brochures. Make a travel itinerary (plan) for you and your house and the journey you would need to take to get there. Are there any costs involved? How much spending money would you take? Which currencies would you need? Which languages would you need to be able to speak? What sights would you see?
Week Commencing 18th May
Week Commencing 11th May
This week we are going to do some more work on multiplication and division.
It is so important for you to keep logging onto TT Rockstars as knowing your times tables well will help you with this work and will make other areas of maths easier for you. Your login is the same as the one you use in school.
To help you with your work this week, there are videos that you can watch which explain the methods well, allowing you work through the questions and use the correct methods. Click on the link below and watch the videos from Summer Term Week 3.
You might want to work through one of these worksheets a day. On Friday, have a go at the challenge questions.’
Friday Challenge
Can you have a go at answering these reasoning and problem-solving style questions applying the methods you have used during the week to help you?
- Missing numbers 72 = x Which pairs of numbers could be written in the boxes?
- Making links Eggs are bought in boxes of 12. I need 140 eggs; how many boxes will I need to buy?
- Use a fact 63 ÷ 9 = 7 Use this fact to work out 126 ÷ 9 = 252 ÷ 7 =
- Size of an answer Will the answer to the following calculations be greater or less than 300 152 x 2= 78 x 3 = 87 x 3 = 4 x 74 =
Week Commencing 4th May
Week Commencing 27th April
Week Commencing 20th April
Week Commencing 13th April
Week Commencing 6th April
Week Commencing 30th March