About Us
Headteacher’s Message:
Welcome to Corporation Road Community Primary School’s website. Our school is a truly unique and a special place where we ensure that all children reach their full potential.
Our website is filled with useful information about our school so please feel free to browse and explore the website and also our social media platforms which are on the home page.
All of our staff are 100% committed to ensuring the children’s time at our school is the best it can be. Our staff work tirelessly to ensure the pupils in our care receive a bespoke curriculum which meets the needs of every child in our community. We recognise the importance of creating a safe environment for children which allows them to flourish through our excellent pastoral care. Our intent is to make sure every child in our school feels safe, valued and has a sense of belonging to our school community.
The website only provides a snapshot of what we do so please feel free to book an appointment to come and visit the school where you can see and feel how special our school community is.
Headteacher: Mark Dipple