School Uniform
Our school uniform consists of: blue cardigans, jumpers, sweat shirts or fleeces, a white polo shirt and grey/tartan skirts, pinafores, or trousers. Children may also wear checked summer dresses and short trousers.
Children should wear black shoes (not trainers).
PE kit consists of: white t-shirt, royal blue shorts, plimsolls or trainers (as plain as possible). Children are also welcome to wear leggings.
For safety reasons, children should only wear one set of plain stud earrings. Children must be able to remove these themselves before PE lessons.
Uniform can be ordered from School Trends if you would like uniform with the school logo on. However, we are more than happy for children to wear plain jumpers/PE t-shirts which can be purchased from most large supermarkets.
If parents are struggling with the ability to purchase uniform and shoes, you can speak to the school office in confidence.
All items of school clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name.
To access our School Uniform Policy, please click here