Class 5
Welcome to the Class 5 Page.
Hope you have had a nice weekend.
For this week’s school work please look at the details below. You will need an adult to help you with some of the tasks. When you have completed any work, please feel free to take photos of your work to send to your teacher (the email address is below). Also we would love to see photographs of anything interesting you make or do!
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Thank you,
Miss Cray and Mrs Hammond
Week Commencing 15th June
Week Commencing 8th June
Week Commencing 1st June
Week Commencing 25th May
Week Commencing 18th May
Week Commencing 11th May
Week Commencing 4th May
Week Commencing 27th April
Week Commencing, 20th April
This week we are asking you to write about your favourite animal. Use the questions below to help you think about what to write. Please either type and send your writing via email or take a photograph of your hand written work and send that via email.
Questions to think about to help you write about your favourite animal.
What does it look like?
Where does it live?
Who does it live with?
What does it eat?
What does it like to do?
Why is it your favourite animal?
Have you ever seen your favourite animal? If so, when and where?
You could include a picture or photograph of your favourite animal in your work.
Make sure you:
Say your sentence.
Count your words.
Write your sentence using capital letters and full stops.
Read it back to make sure it makes sense.
You might want to include:
Describing words (adjectives).
Words that join sentences such as ‘and’, ‘because’ and ‘so’.
This week your
phonics focus is the sound /ie/.It can be spelled in different ways:
ie like in pie
igh like in right
i_e like in bike
y like in fly.
i like in find.
Draw this into your books:
ie igh i_e y i
We’re going to sort some words. We’ve done this lots of times before. Read the words and then write them into the correct category.
ie igh i_e y i
pie right bike fly find
Sound Sort like light try mind might lied my behind drive fried quite | Sound Sort untie flying kite night silent pie white sky cried sight wild | Spell a Sentence Have an adult read you these sentences, one word at a time. Try your best to spell the words correctly, using the correct spelling for /ie/. I might play on my bike. I like pie and chips. My kite is flying in the sky. | Seek the Sound Read the text below. Listen out for the /ie/ sound. Write the word and the spelling of /ie/. Word – Try Spelling – Y |
Can you find anymore words with an /ie/ sound? Try looking in your home reading book or other books that you might have at home. Add them to your table.
Seek the Sound
One day, Ned decided that it was time to follow his dreams and try. He gave his armour a shine, he made himself some fried egg sandwiches for breakfast, he packed a slice of pie for lunch and then he set off to the royal castle high in the hills. Five hours into his journey, Ned was deep inside a forest. Suddenly, he heard someone crying nearby. Sitting in the bright sunshine. He saw a bride in tears sitting on a log. “Why are you crying out here and all alone?” “Oh dear,” sighed the bride. “I am supposed to be getting married tonight but I am lost in these woods. I can’t find a way out because I don’t know which is the right way! I have tried and tried. I am so frightened!” “Never mind,” said Ned, “I have a good idea.” He helped the bride to find her way. “You are so kind!” replied the bride.
Week Commencing, 6th April
This week we are asking you to write a letter to you teacher to tell them about what you have been doing while we have not been in the school building. Please either type and send the letter via email or take a photograph of a hand written letter and send that via email.
Questions to think about to help you write your letter:
How will you start your letter? Think about whether you will use ‘Dear_____’ or ‘Hello______’
What are you writing about?
What have you been doing?
Have you enjoyed it?
What are you missing about not being at school?
What are you not missing about being in school?
What is the best thing about being at home?
What is the worst thing about being at home?
Do you want to ask your teacher anything?
How will you finish you letter? How will we know who it is from?
You could include a photograph or two in the letter.
Make sure you:
Say your sentence.
Count your words.
Write your sentence using capital letters and full stops.
Read it back to make sure it makes sense.
You might want to include:
Describing words (adjectives).
Words that join sentences such as ‘and’, ‘because’ and ‘so’.
This week your phonics focus is the sound /ee/. It can be spelled in different ways:
e like in me
ee like in been
ea like in scream
y like in happy
Draw this into your books:
e ee ea y
We’re going to sort some words. We’ve done this lots of times before. Read the words and then write them into the correct category.
e ee ea y
me been scream happy
SoundSort me she heat stream beach queen been tree see funny | Sound Sort happy cheat we beast breach bleed dream eel cheap freeze | Sound Sentences Write some sentences using some of the /ee/ words that you have written. Can you come up with a silly story? | Seek the Sound Read the text on the next page. Listen out for the /ee/ sound. Write the word and the spelling of /ee/ E.g. Word SpellingLee ee |
Can you find anymore words with an /ee/ sound? Try looking in your home reading book or other books that you might have at home. Add them to your table. |

Week Commencing 30th March
This week your phonics focus is the sound /ae/. It can be spelled in different ways:
ai like in pain
ay like in day
a_e like in game
ea like in great.
Draw this into your books:
ay ai a_e ea
We’re going to sort some words. We’ve done this lots of times before. Read the words and then write them into the correct category.
ay ai a_e ea
day pain game great
Sound Sort pain day great game break play away rain birthday make | SoundSort train snake steak always escape complain Thursday take afraid greater | Sound SentencesWrite some sentences using some of the /ae/ words that you have written. Can you come up with a silly story? | Seek the Sound Read your home reading book or another book that you have. Listen out for the /ae/ sound. Write the word and the spelling of /ae/. E.g. Word SpellingPlay ay (See the text below if you don’t have many books at home.) |
Can you find anymore words with an /ae/ sound? Try looking in your home reading book or other books that you might have at home. Add them to your table. |
Seek the Sound
On Friday Kate and Jane went camping. Kate’s dad made steak and chips for tea. Then Jane made a birthday card for Jay. Suddenly it began to rain. It was so wet outside that the girls couldn’t go out and play. Instead Jane and Kate made up their own games. It was great fun. On Sunday afternoon it was Jay’s birthday. He loved the birthday card and the toy train that Kate and Jane got him. The children played snakes and ladders. Then it was break time and everyone had some squash and cake.
Read the Ninjabread Man story assigned to you on Epic Books!
Answer the following retrieval questions about the Ninjabread Man book.
1). Who lived in a small house in the forest?
2). What did the lonely old man bake himself?
3). What did the Ninjabread man keep saying as he ran away?
4). Which animals did the Ninjabread man meet on his journey?
5). What did the old man teach the Ninjabread Man to do?
Answer the following vocabulary questions about the Ninjabread Man book.
1). Which word on page 3 means the same as little?
2). Which word on page 6 means the same as shouted?
3). Which word on page 8 means the same as tasty?
4). Which word on page 12 means the same as ate?
5). Which word on page 20 means the same as wet?
Answer the following inference questions about the Ninjabread Man book.
1). How do you think the Ninjabread Man felt when he got to the river? Why?
2). Do you think the fox really wanted to help the Ninjabread Man cross the river? Why do you think this?
3). Who didn’t want to eat the Ninjabread Man? How do you know?
Answer the following question:
1). The Ninjabread Man is similar to the Gingerbread Man – make a list of things that are the same in both stories and a list of things that are different.
Send your answers to Mrs Hammond or Miss Cray at your classes email address.
Write a story with a beginning, middle and end using the following picture.
Questions to think about to help you write your story.
Where is it from?
Did someone find him/her?
Why is it so small?
Are there more like him?
Where does he live?
How will you look after it?
Will you keep it a secret or tell someone?
What is it called?
Is it magic? What magic can it do?
Make sure you:
Say your sentence.
Count your words.
Write your sentence using capital letters and full stops.
Read your sentences back to check they make sense.
You might want to include:
Describing words (adjectives).
Words that join sentences such as ‘and’, ‘because’ and ‘so’.
This week your maths focus is addition.
Method 1: 3 + 5 = We put the big number in our head. We will put 5 in our head. We are adding 3 so we need that many fingers. We tap our heads as we say 5 and then put one finger down as we say 6, 7, 8. 3 + 5 = 8. | Method 2: 7 + _ = 10 We count on from 7 and stop when we get to 10. We tap our heads as we say 7 and then put up one finger as we say each number 8, 9, 10. We have 3 fingers up so, 7 + 3 =10 |
* We know our number bonds for 10 and 20 well so may not need to use a method to work out the answers to the questions. Method 2 can therefore be used to check our answers.
Addition within 10 | Addition within 20 | Number Bonds for 10 | Number Bonds for 20 |
4 + 2 = 3 + 6 = 5 + 2 = 7 + 3 = 0 + 9 = 2 + 6 = 4 + 4 = 3 + 4 = 1 + 5 = 8 + 0 = 2 + 4 = 1 + 9 = | 6 + 5 = 11 + 4= 2 + 16 = 5 + 12 = 9 + 5 = 10 +3= 14 + 1 = 2 + 17 = 19 + 0 = 7 + 7 = 6 + 9 = 13 + 4 = | Can you work out the missing numbers? 8 + _ = 10 1 + _ = 10 5 + _ = 10 10 + _ = 10 _ + 4 = 10 _ + 0 = 10 _ + 3 = 10 _ + 2 = 10 _ + 6 = 10 _ + 9 = 10 | Can you work out the missing numbers? 14 + _ = 20 10 + _ = 20 15 + _ = 20 11 + _ = 20 2 + _ = 20 0 + _ = 20 _ + 8 = 20 _ + 6 = 20 _ + 13 = 20 _ + 17 = 20 |
Use TopMarks to test your speed with addition and bonds to 20.
Click on: Number Bonds – Addition within 10, Addition within 20, Make 10 or Make 20.
Can you beat Miss Cray’s high scores for this week?
Addition within 10 – 20 Addition within 20 – 17
Make 10 – 25 Make 20 – 20
If you do, email Miss Cray on or Mrs Hammond on .
This week your spelling focus is i_e.
i_e usually appears in the middle of a word, with the e at the end.
Your spellings are: like, five, nine, line, smile.
Look, Cover, Write, CheckWrite one word at a time. Look at it, cover it with your hand and then write the word again without peeking. Lift your hand and check to see if they match. Repeat at least five times for each word. | Rainbow Spellings Try writing your spellings in different colours. If you don’t have different colours you could write some in pen and some in pencil. | Spelling Sentences Write a sentence containing each of your spellings. Once you’ve done it, check they all have i_e. | Speed Spell Have someone time you for 2 minutesHow many times can you write each of your spellings before the timer goes off? |
Can you find any more i_e words?