
Class 16

Welcome to the Class 16 Page.

Hope you have had a nice weekend.

For this week’s school work please look at the details below.


Week Commencing 25th May


Read your book, tell Mrs Caley what book you’re reading. Enjoy reading your book- reading for pleasure.

  • Create a quiz for your book and send it to Mrs Caley.
  • Complete the reading comprehension – Throwing a tree.

Remember the skills we have learned.  Can you identify the domain of each question before you answer it?


A huge ‘thank you’ and ‘well done’ to those children who have shared some of their writing with me. I really enjoyed reading it and it was lovely that you shared it with me. I have read some lovely stories- thank you!  J

Keep them coming! CPSClass16@corporationroad.darlington.sch.uk

Writing- write a story using the story prompt.

Use the picture… use it as a prompt to write a story.

I have included two story starters… you can use one of these but you don’t have to- use one if it will help you.

There are also some prompts, you could use these to help you write your story but again, you do not have to use them- use them if they will help you.

Story starters (You could use one of these story starters or use your own.)

The artist had been working on the drawing for hours, locked away in complete silence in their study, letting their imagination run wild. The only sound that could be heard was the soothing scratching of their pencil on the textured paper.

As they spoke the magic word, the ship’s sails started to flutter as if a strong breeze blew through the room. It was a perfect moment which they loved, seeing their creations come to life…


  • Who is the artist? You can swap the artist for a name… man / woman / boy / girl?
  • Can you continue the story of ship coming to life?
  • What will the artist do with the ship now that it has magically appeared?
  • ‘It was a perfect moment which they loved, seeing their creations come to life’…. The story starter refers to their creations in the plural (more than one). What does this tell you?
  • What other drawings might the artist have done in the past? Where are they now?
  • If you could draw anything (knowing it would come to life) what would you draw?
  • What was the artist’s magic word?

Remember the features within your writing.

  • Remember to write using: a range of sentence types (clauses and the position of the clauses), a range of punctuation including, () – : ;  , .  A range of sentence openers, a range of connectives.
  • Organise your work into paragraphs, build your paragraphs around a main idea that give the reader facts, detail and information (read your work carefully, check the sentences make sense and flow. Are there links between the sentences and paragraphs? How have you linked your paragraphs? – repetition, adverbial link, ellipsis?)
  • A good tip for this is, let someone who doesn’t know about the topic you are writing about read your work. Do they understand it? Does your writing make sense to them without you explaining it to them or telling them more information? If it does then your writing is successful. If you need to tell your reader more by speaking about your writing, this tells you that you need to add more detail or information into it so the reader is clear about your topic – information in your writing.
  • Proof read your work- find and correct any errors, including spelling.

Email me any work to our class email address…  CPSClass16@corporationroad.darlington.sch.uk


Spelling – fer

Practise spellings from the following link…. https://www.spellzone.com/word_lists/list-4660.htm

English Bengali Polish Word in a sentence
referring উল্লেখ করা odnosząc się He had to keep referring to his list.
referred উল্লেখ করা skierowane The matter was referred to the head teacher.
referral সুপারিশ skierowanie He needed a referral for his new job.
preferring করা উচিত ছিল wolę He stayed at home, preferring to read rather than cycle.
preferred পছন্দের preferowane She preferred cake to pudding
transferring হস্তান্তর przekazywanie They spend the day sorting and transferring money.
transferred স্থানান্তরিত przeniesione Heat energy is transferred through conduction.
reference উল্লেখ odniesienie If you are stuck, use the instruction book for reference.
preference পক্ষপাত pierwszeństwo He has a preference for classical music.
transference স্থানান্তরণ przenoszenie Plants can spread by the transference of pollen.

Give yourself some time to practise your spellings, then email me your score…how did you do?


Maths – Ratio and proportion.

BBC Bitesize direct proportion https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zkqc47h

This link will help you to understand the concept. Remember it is okay to watch the videos a few times to help you to understand. Perhaps you could even follow the recipe and make the cake?

If you need any help at all, or if you feel confused or ‘stuck’ email Mrs Caley and I will help you.  CPSClass16@corporationroad.darlington.sch.uk

Maths Questions

Work through the questions in the order of; calculating scale factors varied fluency, calculating scale factors reasoning  and problem solving, ratio and proportion problems,. Doing the work in this order will help your understanding and confidence.

Remember if you need any help- you become ‘stuck’, or you have questions about your learning to email me. CPSClass16@corporationroad.darlington.sch.uk


Remember your project work too. I’d love to hear what you have discovered and whether you are enjoying it.Remember to send your work to me… I’d love to see what you have done.


Remember to keep active… Joe Wicks P.E sessions are still available each morning

Remember the Bitesize platform has been launched with classes being taught by celebrities…. Link:

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize   There is lots of interesting learning on this site… practise something you find tricky or learn something new. Email Mrs Caley and tell me what you have done… I’d love to know.

Week Commencing 18th May


Read your book, tell Mrs Caley what book you’re reading. Enjoy reading your book- reading for pleasure.

  • Create a quiz for your book and send it to Mrs Caley.
  • Complete the reading comprehension – Telephone box.

Remember the skills we have learned.  Can you identify the domain of each question before you answer it?


Spelling- able, ably

Practise spellings from the following link…. https://www.spellzone.com/word_lists/list-4658.htm

English Bengali Polish Word in a sentence
comfortable আরামপ্রদ wygodny My shoes are comfortable.
understandable বোধগম্য zrozumiale His reason for being late was understandable.
reasonable যৌক্তিক rozsądny Those jeans were a reasonable price.
enjoyable উপভোগ্য przyjemny We had such an enjoyable day.
reliable বিশ্বাসযোগ্য niezawodny She’s my most reliable worker.
inflatable বাজে nadmuchiwane They took an inflatable float to the pool.
obtainable গম্য osiągalny The information was easily obtainable.
transferable বদলিযোগ্য przenośny She discussed her transferable skills in the interview.
memorable স্মরণীয় niezapomniany He was sure tonight would be the most memorable evening of his life.
dependable নির্ভরযোগ্য niezawodny Brown can show a solid and dependable personality.

Give yourself some time to practise your spellings, then email me your score…how did you do?


Maths – Ratio – scale factors

BBC Bitesize Ratio  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zsq7hyc

This link will help you to understand the concept. Remember it is okay to watch the videos a few times to help you to understand. If you need any help at all of you feel confused or ‘stuck’ email Mrs Caley and I will help you.  CPSClass16@corporationroad.darlington.sch.uk

Maths questions

Work through the questions in the order of; calculating scale factors, using scales factors, ratio and proportion problems. Doing the work in this order will help your understanding and confidence.

Remember if you need any help- you become ‘stuck’, or you have questions about your learning to email me. CPSClass16@corporationroad.darlington.sch.uk

Completing ratio practise questions – follow the links below to practise completing the ratio questions. Can you identify the ratio? Can you write the ratio from the information within the questions?

Remember… look carefully at the clues given in the question / information.

https://uk.ixl.com/math/year-6          Ratio and rates.



Project work.

Remember your project work too. I’d love to hear what you have discovered and whether you are enjoying it. Complete the activities that are highlighted on the project grid. Remember to send your work to me… I’d love to see what you have done.


Remember to keep active… Joe Wicks P.E sessions are still available each morning

Remember the Bitesize platform has been launched with classes being taught by celebrities…. Link:

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize   There is lots of interesting learning on this site… practise something you find tricky or learn something new. Email Mrs Caley and tell me what you have done… I’d love to know.

Week Commencing 11th May


Read your book, tell Mrs Caley what book you’re reading. Enjoy reading your book- reading for pleasure.

  • Create a quiz for your book and send it to Mrs Caley.
  • Complete the reading comprehension – The Holiday.

Remember the skills we have learned.  Can you identify the domain of each question before you answer it?


Spelling- able, ably

Practise spellings from the following link…. https://www.spellzone.com/word_lists/list-4658.htm

English Bengali Polish Word in a sentence
adorable আরাধ্য godny podziwu Your new puppy is adorable.
adorably adorably uroczo The dog was adorably soft.
applicable প্রযোজ্য odpowiedni In some cases a rule might not be applicable.
considerable গণ্যমান্য znaczny The teams’ success was considerable.
considerably অনেক wydatnie She was considerably faster than her brother.
tolerable সহনীয় znośny Please keep the noise to a tolerable level.
tolerably সহনীয়ভাবে znośnie It was tolerably cold outside.
changeable পরিবর্তনশীল zmienny The weather will be changeable.
noticeable লক্ষণীয় zauważalny The ink stain on the front of the shirt was very noticeable.
dependable নির্ভরযোগ্য niezawodny Brown can show a solid and dependable personality.

Give yourself some time to practise your spellings, then email me your score…how did you do?


Maths – Ratio

BBC Bitesize Ratio  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zsq7hyc This link will help you to understand the concept. Remember it is okay to watch the videos a few times to help you to understand. If you need any help at all of you feel confused or ‘stuck’ email Mrs Caley and I will help you.  CPSClass16@corporationroad.darlington.sch.uk

Maths questions

Work through the questions in the order of; Ratio language, Ratio and fractions, The ratio symbol, Calculating ratio. Doing the work in this order will help your understanding and confidence.

Remember if you need any help- you become ‘stuck’, or you have questions about your learning to email me. CPSClass16@corporationroad.darlington.sch.uk

Completing ratio practise questions – follow the links below to practise completing the ratio questions. Can you identify the ratio? Can you write the ratio from the information within the questions?

Remember… look carefully at the clues given in the question / information.




Remember your project work too. I’d love to hear what you have discovered and whether you are enjoying it.

Complete the activities that are highlighted on the project grid. Remember to send your work to me… I’d love to see what you have done.


Remember to keep active… Joe Wicks P.E sessions are still available each morning- now with his wife while he is ‘not well’.

Remember the Bitesize platform has been launched with classes being taught by celebrities…. Link


Week Commencing 4th May


Read your book, tell Mrs Caley what book you’re reading. Enjoy reading your book- reading for pleasure.

  • Create a quiz for your book and send it to Mrs Caley. 
  • Complete the reading comprehension about Endangered. 

Remember the skills we have learned.  Can you identify the domain of each question before you answer it?


Practise spellings from the following link….https://www.spellzone.com/word_lists/list-4662.htm

EnglishBengaliPolishWord in a sentence
roughমোটামুটিszorstkiThe path was rough and rocky.
enoughযথেষ্টwystarczającoA dozen eggs will be enough.
coughকাশিkaszelDavid has a bad cold and a cough.
doughমাখা ময়দারতালciastoKnead the dough to make the pizza.
thoughযদিওchociażEven though it’s winter the weather is not cold.
althoughযদিওmimo żeAlthough I’m sick I’ll still go to work.
throughমাধ্যমprzezHe kicked the ball through the window.
thoroughপুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খdokładnyThis room needs a thorough clean.
boroughযে নগরেপৌরসভা আছেmiastoThe borough council studied the idea very thoroughly.
boughগাছের ডালkonarThe main branch of tree is called a bough.

Give yourself some time to practise your spellings, then email me your score…how did you do?


Algebra (forming equations, one-step equations and two-step equations).

Work through the explanation (notes and guidance) and then the maths talk section… this will help you focus and think through your maths learning. Complete the Varied fluency questions, then complete the reasoning and problem solving questions. Doing the work in this order will help your understanding and confidence when you complete the questions. Remember if you need any help- you become ‘stuck’, or you have questions about your learning to email me. CPSClass16@corporationroad.darlington.sch.uk

Completing number sentences using two variables – follow the link below to practise completing the missing value within the number sentences. You need to use the information to help you complete the missing values.

Remember… look carefully at the clues given in the question / information. 


BBC Bitesize Algebra https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zghp34j

Week Commencing 27th April


Read your book, tell Mrs Caley what book you’re reading. Enjoy reading your book- reading for pleasure.

  • Create a quiz for your book and send it to Mrs Caley. 
  • Complete the reading comprehension about Moon fleet. 

Remember the skills we have learned.  Can you identify the domain of each question before you answer it?


A huge ‘thank you’ and ‘well done’ to those children who have shared some of their writing with me. I really enjoyed reading it and it was lovely that you shared it with me.  J

Keep it coming! CPSClass16@corporationroad.darlington.sch.uk

Write a diary entry about your experience of the ‘Lockdown’.

Remember a diary is personal writing so it will include informal features. 

What has it been like so far?

How are you feeling? How have you kept yourself busy? Have you enjoyed it or not enjoyed it?

What have you enjoyed / not enjoyed? What is the best thing you have done whilst being at home?

Is there anything you are missing? What are you looking forward to doing when we can meet up with people again? Are you looking forward to coming back to school- why / why not?

Is there anything it has made you appreciate or changed how you value things?

Remember the features within your writing.

  • Remember to write using: a range of sentence types (clauses and the position of the clauses), a range of punctuation including, () – : ;  , .  A range of sentence openers, a range of connectives.
  • Organise your work into paragraphs, build your paragraphs around a main idea that give the reader facts, detail and information (read your work carefully, check the sentences make sense and flow. Are there links between the sentences and paragraphs? How have you linked your paragraphs? – repetition, adverbial link, ellipsis?)
  • A good tip for this is, let someone who doesn’t know about the topic you are writing about read your work. Do they understand it? Does your writing make sense to them without you explaining it to them or telling them more information? If it does then your writing is successful. If you need to tell your reader more by speaking about your writing, this tells you that you need to add more detail or information into it so the reader is clear about your topic – information in your writing.
  • Proof read your work- find and correct any errors, including spelling.

Email me any work to our class email address…  CPSClass16@corporationroad.darlington.sch.uk


Practise spellings from the following link….https://www.spellzone.com/word_lists/list-33.htm

EnglishBengaliPolishWord in a sentence
boughtকিনলেনkupionyHe bought me a huge bunch of flowers
broughtআনীতprzyniósłThe lost child was brought back home.
thoughtচিন্তারmyślthought you’d be ready by now.
soughtচাওয়াszukałemThey sought the escaped prisoner.
noughtশূন্যnicNought means nothing.
slaughterবধubójThe lambs were taken to slaughter.
daughter কন্যাcórkaMy brother’s daughter is my niece.
naughtyদুষ্টুniegrzecznyThe naughty child needed supervision.
fraughtপরিপূর্ণbrzemiennyThere was a fraught silence.
caughtধরাzłapanyThe thief was caught in the act.

Give yourself some time to practise your spellings, then email me your score…how did you do?


Substitution and formulae.

Work through the explanation (notes and guidance) and then the  maths talk section… this will help you focus and think through your maths learning. Complete the Varied fluency questions, then complete the reasoning and problem solving questions. Doing the work in this order will help your understanding and confidence when you complete the questions.

Finding a value using two variables – follow the link below to practise finding the missing value within the number sentences. You need to use the information to help you complete the missing values in the tables.

Remember… look carefully at the clues given in the question. 



Remember your project work too. I’d love to hear what you have discovered and whether you are enjoying it.

Complete the activities that are highlighted on the project grid. Remember to send your work to me… I’d love to see what you have done.


Remember to keep active… Joe Wicks P.E sessions are still available each morning.

Remember the Bitesize platform has been launched with classes being taught by celebrities…. Link


Week Commencing 20th April


 Read your book, tell Mrs Caley what book you’re reading. Enjoy reading your book- reading for pleasure.

  • Create a quiz for your book and send it to Mrs Caley. 
  • Complete the reading comprehension about Alan Turing. 

Remember the skills we have learned.  Can you identify the domain of each question before you answer it?


A huge ‘thank you’ and ‘well done’ to those children who have shared some of their writing with me. I really enjoyed reading it and it was lovely that you shared it with me.  J

Keep it coming! CPSClass16@corporationroad.darlington.sch.uk

Write a newspaper report to recount the disappearance of Harris Burdick. 

Can you make your report look like a real newspaper? Front page news! 

Remember the structure of the text.

  • Introduction, orientate the reader- they need to know what they are going to read about / find out about.
  • The main body of the text- in this section you will need paragraphs, each one about a main point or idea. Inform the reader of the event. Give the reader facts and detail. Remember to build information for the reader; you need to keep them interested. 
  • Conclusion, re-orientate the reader, summarise the text/ event but do not re-write it, just the main / important points. Remember, re-orientate means your reader should not be left puzzled or confused.

Remember the features within your writing.

  • Remember to write using: a range of sentence types (clauses and the position of the clauses), a range of punctuation including, () – : ;  , .  A range of sentence openers, a range of connectives.
  • Organise your work into paragraphs, build your paragraphs around a main idea that give the reader facts, detail and information (read your work carefully, check the sentences make sense and flow. Are there links between the sentences and paragraphs? How have you linked your paragraphs? – repetition, adverbial link, ellipsis?)
  • A good tip for this is, let someone who doesn’t know about the topic you are writing about read your work. Do they understand it? Does your writing make sense to them without you explaining it to them or telling them more information? If it does then your writing is successful. If you need to tell your reader more by speaking about your writing, this tells you that you need to add more detail or information into it so the reader is clear about your topic – information in your writing.
  • Proof read your work- find and correct any errors, including spelling.

Email me any work to our class email address…  CPSClass16@corporationroad.darlington.sch.uk


Practise spellings from the following link…. https://www.spellzone.com/word_lists/list-4664.htm

EnglishBengaliPolishWord in a sentence
aisleকরিডোরprzejścieThe bride walked down the aisle of the church.
isleদ্বীপwyspaThe Isle of Skye is in Scotland.
affectপ্রভাবিতoddziaływaćThe government cuts will affect everyone.
effectপ্রভাবefektThe special effects are incredible.
altarবেদিołtarzThere are candles on the altar
alterদ্বিতীয়zmieniaćI’m going to alter my hair style.
ascent চড়াইwzniesienie sięWe continued our ascent of the mountain.
assentসম্মতিzgodaHe gave a strong nod of assent.
complimentশংসাkomplementcompliment can make you feel good.
complementপরিপূর্ণkomplementHer scarf complemented her outfit.

Give yourself some time to practise your spellings, then email me your score…how did you do?


–     Finding a Rule – one step.

Complete the questions from the sheet. Think carefully about the input and output numbers this will help you to work out the function rule.

Finding a value using two variables – follow the link below to practise finding the missing value within the number sentences.

Remember… look carefully at the clues given in the question. 


Remember your project work too. I’d love to hear what you have discovered and whether you are enjoying it.

Which activities have you completed? Remember to send your work to me… I’d love to see what you have done.


Week Commencing 13th April


Read your book, tell Mrs Caley what book you’re reading. Enjoy reading your book- reading for pleasure.

  • Create a quiz for your book and send it to Mrs Caley. 
  • Complete the reading comprehension about Alan Turing. 

Remember the skills we have learned.  Can you identify the domain of each question before you answer it?


A huge ‘thank you’ and ‘well done’ to those children who have shared some of their writing with me. I really enjoyed reading it and it was lovely that you shared it with me.  J

Keep it coming! CPSClass16@corporationroad.darlington.sch.uk

Write a newspaper report to recount the disappearance of Harris Burdick. 

Can you make your report look like a real newspaper? Front page news! 

Remember the structure of the text.

  • Introduction, orientate the reader- they need to know what they are going to read about / find out about.
  • The main body of the text- in this section you will need paragraphs, each one about a main point or idea. Inform the reader of the event. Give the reader facts and detail. Remember to build information for the reader; you need to keep them interested. 
  • Conclusion, re-orientate the reader, summarise the text/ event but do not re-write it, just the main / important points. Remember, re-orientate means your reader should not be left puzzled or confused.

Remember the features within your writing.

  • Remember to write using: a range of sentence types (clauses and the position of the clauses), a range of punctuation including, () – : ;  , .  A range of sentence openers, a range of connectives.
  • Organise your work into paragraphs, build your paragraphs around a main idea that give the reader facts, detail and information (read your work carefully, check the sentences make sense and flow. Are there links between the sentences and paragraphs? How have you linked your paragraphs? – repetition, adverbial link, ellipsis?)
  • A good tip for this is, let someone who doesn’t know about the topic you are writing about read your work. Do they understand it? Does your writing make sense to them without you explaining it to them or telling them more information? If it does then your writing is successful. If you need to tell your reader more by speaking about your writing, this tells you that you need to add more detail or information into it so the reader is clear about your topic – information in your writing.
  • Proof read your work- find and correct any errors, including spelling.

Email me any work to our class email address…  CPSClass16@corporationroad.darlington.sch.uk


Practise spellings from the following link…. https://www.spellzone.com/word_lists/list-337.htm

EnglishBengaliPolishWord in a sentence
fastenবন্ধন করাprzymocowaćfasten my coat before going outside.
hastenদ্রুত চলাprzyśpieszyćJim turned up the oven heat to hasten the cooking.
glistenঝলমল করাbłyszczećFrost can glisten in the sunlight.
listenশোনাsłuchaćI like to listen to the radio in the car
apostleদূতapostołMark was an apostle of Christ.
thistleকাঁটাগাছosetThistle flowers are beautiful.
whistle বাঁশিgwizdaćThe referee blew his whistle at the end of the game.
wrestleমল্লযুদ্ধzmagać sięWe saw the policeman wrestle the burglar to the ground.
mortgageবন্ধকhipotekaWe’ll need a bigger mortgage to buy a bigger house.
Christmasবড়দিনের পর্বBoże NarodzenieChristmas is a busy time of year.

Give yourself some time to practise your spellings, then email me your score…how did you do?


Complete the questions from the sheet. Think carefully about the input and output numbers this will help you to work out the function rule.

Writing expressions in maths – follow the link below to practise writing expressions in maths.

Remember… look at the vocabulary carefully- which words tell you to add, subtract?



Remember your project work too. I’d love to hear what you have discovered and whether you are enjoying it.

Which activities have you completed? Remember to send your work to me… I’d love to see what you have done.


Week Commencing 6th March


Read your book, tell Mrs Caley what book you’re reading. Enjoy reading your book- reading for pleasure.

  • Create a quiz for your book and send it to Mrs Caley. 
  • Complete the reading comprehension about Valentina Tereshkova. 

Remember the skills we have learned.  Can you identify the domain of each question before you answer it?


A huge ‘thank you’ and ‘well done’ to those children who have shared some of their writing with me. I really enjoyed reading it and it was lovely that you shared it with me.  J

Keep it coming!

Write a short book review about the book you are reading at the moment / or another book you have finished recently.

  • Remember to say:

The title of the book. What genre is the book? Is it an adventure… a mystery… a ‘real life’ story? Funny (humour)?

What the book is about… an overview of the story / characters. Remember to give details about the story but the trick is not to retell the story… people still need to read it.

Whether or not the characters were likeable- and reasons why. Did you identify with the characters (would they be your friend?) Why?

Who would enjoy the book and reasons why? Why would you recommend the book?

  • Remember to write using: a range of sentence types (clauses and the position of the clauses), a range of punctuation, a range of sentence openers, a range of connectives.
  • Organise your work into paragraphs (read your work carefully, check the sentences make sense and flow. Are there links between the sentences and paragraphs? How have you linked your paragraphs? – repetition, adverbial link, ellipsis?)
  • Proof read your work- find and correct any errors, including spelling.

Practise spellings from the following link…. https://www.spellzone.com/word_lists/list-335.htm

EnglishBengaliPolishWord in a sentence
crumbক্ষুদ্র টুকরাকরাokruchThe waiter brushed the crumb off the table.
dumbমূকgłupiHe was struck dumb with horror.
limbঅবয়বkończynaHe lost a limb in the accident.
numbঅসাড়zdrętwiałyMy fingers are numb with cold.
plumberসীসকhydraulikWe had to call out the plumber to fix the sink
tombসমাধিgróbThe tomb of the dead hero has many visitors.
catacombভুগর্ভস্থসমাধিক্ষেত্রkatakumbacatacomb is an underground cemetery.
debtঋণdługDebt can cripple a country’s economy.
doubtসন্দেহwątpićdoubt that we will make it on time.
subtleসূক্ষ্মsubtelnyThe girl gave her friend a subtle hint that it was time to leave the party.

Give yourself some time to practise your spellings, then email me your score….. how did you do?


Follow the link below to practise multiplication word problems


Remember your project work too. I’d love to hear what you have discovered and whether you are enjoying it.

Week Commencing 30th March


Continue to enjoy reading your book.

Follow this link and see if there is a new book you’d like to read.

Read your book – tell Mrs Caley what book you’re reading.

Create a quiz for your book and send it to Mrs Caley. 

We could share our quizzes with other people who are reading the same book as you. 


I’d really like to hear your ideas… 

What do you think the next few weeks will be like at home? How will you keep yourself busy? What tasks and routine will you set for yourself? Could you learn a new skill? Could you come back to school a ‘skipping champion’ like Mrs Caley?

Create a routine for your coming days… 

Set yourself a goal or a challenge… What could it be? To read a book? To become a skipping pro? Become a ‘keepy uppy’ champion?  Learn to say please, thank you, hello and goodbye in five different languages.

Learn a new skill- learn a magic trick? Learn to knit? Learn to make paper origami models? Cook a simple dish? Draw and paint? 

Complete a short piece of writing linked to these ideas. Describe what you will do and the reasons for you choosing these skills and challenges. 

I really look forward to reading your ideas / writing.

Write a diary about your first week.

What have you done? How do you fill your time? What has it been like? How have you felt? 

What has been nice? What has been difficult or hard? 

Remember to write using past tense, first person, include your personal thoughts and feelings.

Remember to include: a range of punctuation, a range of sentence openers, a range of connectives, links within and across paragraphs (adverbials, repetition, ellipsis).

Email me any work to our class email address…  CPSClass16@corporationroad.darlington.sch.uk


follow the link below to practise add and subtract word problems



Practise spellings from the following link…. https://www.spellzone.com/word_lists/list-335.htm

EnglishBengalipolishWord in a sentence
wreckধ্বংসwrakThe wreck of the speedboat is submerged in the lake.
wrestleমল্লযুদ্ধzmagać sięWe saw the policeman wrestle the burglar to the ground.
wretchনরাধমnieszczęśnikMy cold made me feel like a wretch.
wrinkleবলিzmarszczkaGrandma says she has a new wrinkle every day.
writheপাক দেত্তয়াwić sięWe watched the poor animal writhe in agony.
wroughtপেটাwykuteThe old gate is made of wrought iron.
wrenরেনstrzyżykThe wren is one of the smallest birds in Britain.
wristকব্জিnadgarstekShe wore a gold bangle on her wrist.
answerউত্তরodpowiedźHe was reluctant to answer my question.
swordতরবারিmieczThe sword was very sharp.

Remember your project work too. I’d love to hear what you have discovered and whether you are enjoying it.

Week Commencing 23rd March


Continue to enjoy reading your book.

Follow this link and see if there is a new book you’d like to read.


What do they think the next few weeks will be like at home? How will you keep yourself busy? What tasks and routine will you set for yourself? Could you learn a new skill? Could you come back to school a ‘skipping champion’ like Mrs Caley?

Create a routine for your coming days…  

Set yourself a goal or a challenge… What could it be? To read a book? To become a skipping pro? Become a ‘keepy uppy’ champion?  Learn to say please, thank you, hello and goodbye in five different languages.

Learn a new skill- learn a magic trick? Learn to knit? Learn to make paper origami models? Cook a simple dish? Draw and paint? 

Complete a short piece of writing linked to these ideas. Describe what you will do and the reasons for you choosing these skills and challenges.

I really look forward to reading your ideas / writing.


Follow the link below to practise place values and numbers.



Practise spellings from the following link…. https://www.spellzone.com/word_lists/list-334.htm

EnglishBengalipolishWord in a sentence
knackদক্ষতাdrygHe has a knack for gardening.
KnapsackঝোলাplecakMy water bottle is in my knapsack.
KneeহাঁটুkolanoI have a bruise on my knee.
Knitবুনাrobić na drutachI am going to knit a scarf.
Knollগোলাকার টিলাpagórekknoll is a small grassy hill.
Knobশক্ত গাঁটpokrętłoHe turned the knob to open the door.
Knockঠক্ঠক্pukanieThere was a loud knock at the door.
knowledgeজ্ঞানwiedza, umiejętnościBill has an extensive knowledge of history.
KnuckleগিঁটgolonkaI grazed my knuckle whilst playing hockey.
knotগিঁটwęzełThe knot was too tight to undo.

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