
Welcome Back

We hope you all had a wonderful summer break and are ready and energised for the new school year. At the end of my first week at Corporation Road, I wanted to say a big thank you to you all for making me feel so welcome to your school. Your kind words and wishes of ‘good luck’ have made me feel at home, so thank you.

This newsletter aims to give you a flavour of what is already happening in school and will give you some key messages and dates.

New Around School

You may have noticed our new reading sheds on the playground. We are passionate about reading and want to give our children opportunities to read at all times of the day.

We have introduced a new Careers, Finance and Enterprise Programme to our curriculum. Each class will spend a minimum of one afternoon per half term learning about money and the world of work with some year groups taking part in enterprise projects. This is vital work for our children as they begin to prepare for life beyond primary school.

Our new Talk-It programme will focus on supporting your children to become confident speakers. In a world where speaking in front of people is an important part in many occupations, we want to develop these skills daily.

Key Events this Half Term

Roald Dahl Day 13.9.22 – your children will take part in activities in the classroom linked to one of the most popular children’s authors in history.

Meet the New Head Teacher 21.9.22 – you are invited to meet the new Headteacher for cake, tea and coffee from 8.45 to 10.30. After dropping your child off, make your way to the Bartlett Street entrance near the hall. This will be an informal event where you can sit, chat and ask any questions that you have.

Throughout October – we will be completing work on Black History Month: learning about key black figures from the past and present.

World Mental Health Day 10.10.22 – this day will be used for us all to focus on good mental health.

School PD Days

  • Wednesday 4th January (Trust PD Day)
  • Friday 21st April for Eid.
  • Thursday 29th June for Eid

PE Days

Children can come to school dressed in their PE clothes.  PE clothes are plain black/navy shorts or joggers and a white t-shirt.  Children may wear a plain black or navy hoodie if the weather is cold.

  • Nursery – Tuesday
  • Reception – Monday
  • Year 1 – Wednesday
  • Year 2 – Thursday
  • Year 3 – Friday
  • Year 4 – Tuesday
  • Year 5 – Swimming on a Wednesday
  • Year 6 – Wednesday

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