Click here to read about our Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact 2019-2020
We follow the Early Years Framework for children in Nursery and Reception and the National Curriculum for all subjects in Years 1 to 6, which can be found here.
English and Maths are taught discretely Monday to Thursday and this includes phonics and guided reading. Also taught discretely are RE, PE, MFL and Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE). Science, History, Geography, DT, Art, Computing and Music are taught across the curriculum and where appropriate through a termly topic linked to our Awe and Wonder Curriculum.
We do a range of activities in and out of school linked to the wider curriculum, including hosting visitors, attending events, visiting interesting places and working with parents and the local community. Read this list for a sample of amazing things we do in and out of school and their link to the curriculum.
In light of the National Curriculum changes in 2014 and the associated ‘assessment without levels’ we have adapted our own assessment arrangements accordingly. In Reading, Writing and Maths we have adopted a system whereby the children seek to achieve as many of their respective 25 end of year statements as possible each year and are a given a Year group score depending on how many are achieved. The progress in all of these subjects is shared with parents during pupil progress meetings.
Reading Record Sheets Year 1 to Year 6
Writing Record Sheets Year 1 to Year 6
Maths Record Sheets Year 1 to Year 6
Phonics is taught rigorously via the government-produced programme Letters and Sounds. Read our Phonics Overview for more information.
Reading: We have a wide variety of books in school for children to read. They may also read books from the Oxford Reading Tree Scheme and from the Project X Scheme. To see how the book bands can inform progression and assessment click here.
British Values is a key aspect of the National Curriculum throughout school. It is taught explicitly through weekly assemblies and linking in with news around the world where possible.
Themes include:
Rule of law
Individual liberty
Mutual respect
Tolerance of others
We also hold hustings for the head boy and girl.