
Class 5, Week 1

Week Commencing 23rd March

Visit the following website using the user name and password below.


Username: march20 Password: home

Choose the phase 5 tab down the left hand side of the page, you then need to click on the game for Investigating Alternative Spellings /ai/. Work through the activities for this game. 

This is the direct link:          


Remember you may need an adult to help you.


Visit the following website and create and account in one of the following ways:



Go to assignments and find the Shark book we have chosen to read. Read the book, an adult may need to help you, and then complete the quiz. You can find the quiz by clicking the down arrow at the top of the book and selecting the ??? icon.

You need to have read the ‘Sharks’ book to do this task (see the Reading section above). Write down your favourite facts about sharks under the following headings:

What they look like.

Where they live.

What they eat.

When sharks attack.

Make sure you:

Say your sentence.

Count your words.

Write your sentence using capital letters and full stops.

Read it back to make sure it makes sense.

You might want to include:

Describing words (adjectives).

Words that join sentences such as ‘and’, ‘because’ and ‘so’.


Complete the following number bonds to 10 questions:


How quick can you recall your number bonds to 10?

Play Hit the Button. (https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button )

Click on ‘Make 10’. Send your highest score to Miss Cray or Mrs Hammond. Can you score more than 20?