Class 1, Week 1
Week Commencing 23rd March
Read the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Follow this link to watch the story on Youtube.
Pause as you are listening to the story and ask the children questions. How are the Bears feeling when they saw Goldilocks in Baby Bears bed? Why did they feel this way?
How did Goldilocks feel when she saw the Bears at the end of the story? Can you show these emotions (angry and scared faces)?
Encourage the children to join in with the repeated parts of the story, “It was just right.” “Who’s been eating my porridge?” etc. using different voices for the different characters. Can you do a low, loud voice for Daddy Bear, and a squeaky, sad voice for Baby Bear?
At the end of the story ask the children questions about who the characters are? What was their favourite part of the story? Do they think Goldilocks ever went back to the Three Bears house again? Why?
Sing Nursery Rhymes or ask Alexa.
Can you learn a new one about Goldilocks and The Three Bears?
Can you draw a picture of the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears?
Tell your adult about the story, can you retell it?
Practise writing your name. Please use letter sounds and not letter names (ssssss, not Ess)
How many numbers do you have around your house?
Go on a number hunt and take photos of all the numbers you can find. Can you find the number of your age? How many times did you find it?
Sing 5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer
‘5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer,
Flew round the Earth one day,
They looked left and right but they didn’t like the sight,
So one man flew away.
4 Little Men in a Flying Saucer,
Flew round the Earth one day,
They looked left and right but they didn’t like the sight,
So one man flew away.
4 Little Men in a Flying Saucer……3 Little Men in a Flying Saucer….2 Little Men in a Flying Saucer, 1 Little Man in a Flying Saucer.’
Sing the song together, you could even make 5 Little Men for your flying saucer or use your family to act out the song. Talk about ‘how many’ you have left each time, can your child count accurately and say how many are left.