Newsletter October 2022
Message from the Headteacher
I just want to start by thank you all for making me feel so welcome to our school in my first half term. I spoken to many of you and you all have the same vision of wanting Corporation Road to be the best. It is great to be here. Thank you to those parents who attended the coffee morning, this was a valuable experience for me and gave me lots of things to think about afterwards. We are going to make this a regular thing so make sure you look out for the dates below.
The children at Corporation Road are a credit to you all and again this half term have worked incredibly hard. Next half term we have lots planned so that your children get the very best of what school life can offer.
Wraparound Care
After speaking to some of you at the coffee morning, it was clear that a lack of affordable wraparound care in the local area hindered parents who work or those looking to get back in to work. As a school who values careers through our careers curriculum, we want to do what we can to support you with working too. We already have a free breakfast club that starts at 8am. Please make the most of this service, especially with the well-reported cost of living challenges we currently face, we can feed your children, for free, every morning.
We are also considering whether we can extend this service further by offering afterschool care. To see if this is possible, we need to know what kind of interest there would be. Using the link below, please let us know if you would be interested in sending your child(ren) to a paid after school club. This does not commit you to having to come but it gives us a good indication of whether we have enough interest to give it a go. Link survey for this will be on the website and link link will be posted on Facebook and Seesaw.
Parents Evening
Parents evening appointments will be held acorss 2 weeks starting Monday 7th November to Friday 18th November. Having 2 weeks to hold appointments allows us more flexibility so that we can ensure that all parents are able to come in to school and find out about how their child is doing. Teachers will send out a list of times and dates that they have available so that you can sign up. If you can’t make any of the times offered, please speak to your child’s teacher and we will find an alternative time.
If your child is off for any reason, you must telephone the office to let us know. If a child is ill through sickness then they must stay off for 48 hours from the last time the child was sick. Research shows that good attendance is linked with higher achievement. If a child is off then it can have a serious impact on their education and at Corporation Road, we want all children to have the best possible start to their school career.
Key Events Next Half Term – more details to follow for each event
Coffee Morning – Friday 4th November 8.45 – 10.30 and Wednesday 14th December 8.45 – 10.30
Halloween Disco – Thursday 3rd November
Parents Evening – Monday 7th November to Friday 18th November
Dental Workshops – Wednesday 16th November
Children in Need – Friday 18th November
World Cup Day – Monday 21st November
Christmas Fair – Tuesday 6th December
Christmas Jumper Day – Thrusday 8th December, Monday 19th December and Tuesday 20th December.
I look forward to meeting more of you after half term and have a great week off.
Mr Dipple